Adding the
LG BD570 Network Blu Ray Disc Player to your home entertainment systems will WOW you. With wireless connectivity, media streaming choices, DVD Upscaling, DLNA certified, and excellent blu ray image quality, the BD570 is an outstanding stand alone player and follow up to last years
BD390 model. The newer model boasts a new more streamline shallow design with a slimline profile front panel that flips open for access to the USB port.
The media streaming on this component is arguably one of the most intriguing features of the player. Accessing the streaming media is through LGs Netcast service. This service allows access to loads of streaming content that can all be enjoyed right on your HDTV, no computer required. Access Netflix, Youtube, Pandora, CinemaNow, VuDu, Picasa, and Accuweather from your BD570 player. Through the components DLAN your videos and music are on your home network or external drive via the USB port are also accessible.
LG BD570 Blu-Ray Player delivers superior image quality and convenience to your living room via wireless internet connectivity and no messy wires.